Thursday, June 3, 2010

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Oder of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling is a book of many layers, each one revealed each time one reads it. My favorite aspect of this Harry Potter novel in particular is the way the reader gets a better feel for the true personalities of the characters. When reading the book the second time, I could focus on the little things about the characters rather than the plot. Specifically, Hermione’s goody two-shoes nature seems only to be from the comparison to Harry and Ron. Ron also branches out of his “side-kick” archetype, and begins playing Quidditch when Harry gets kicked off the team. Harry, on the other hand, is sinking further into his “hero” archetype, which is even used by his enemy, Voldemort, as his weakness. Voldemort intelligently uses this one weakness, and thereby magnifying the weakness to the readers. Harry’s fame-seeking side and desires to “save the day” are his krypotonite in this book, making his character not so lovable to the readers.