Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Secret of Peaches-- Beginning

The beginning of The Secret of Peaches is woven with mini plot lines and keeps the reader enthralled by the characters and issues that many can connect to. The three main characters, Birdie (the nice farm girl), Leeda (the pretty one) and Murphy (the bad girl) interact in ways more like sisters than just friends, creating an understanding of how three completely different girls can get along. In the recent pages of the book, the characters have all been consumed in their own conflicts, and in result, have been acting oddly to each other. For example, when Leeda gives the cold shoulder to Murphy, who is often not there for her friend, the two remain best friends and neglect the obvious awkwardness. Thinking of my own life, I know many friendships that are no longer because of much more minor issues. However, when I think of particular friends, I can understand how Leeda and Murphy’s friendship is still strong, because of what I’ve been through with my own friends. What is awkward, uncomfortable and annoying at the time, is often laughed at later. Because of the connection to the characters that the author, Jodie Lynn Anderson, creates, the book continues to keep me wanting to find out what happens next.

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